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Crypto fear and greed index?

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The index is divided into four categories:

  • 0-24: Extreme Fear (orange)
  • 25-49: Fear (yellow/yellow)
  • 50-74: Greed (light green)
  • 75-100 Excessive Greed (green)

Why is the Fear and Greed Index useful for investors and traders?

Keeping an eye on index scores can help investors make smart decisions, for example investing when markets are fearful and trading when the markets are greedy.

The Fear and Greed Index can be an effective tool to help investors manage emotions.

It allows investors to remove their emotions from the equation and looks at the market critically to avoid irrational reactions to sudden price changes and instability. This is especially true when the index is used with other instruments that use market-derived data.

How to use the Crypto Fear and Greed Index?

As you likely know, the cryptocurrency market can be unstable at times. This is due to investors’ emotional reactions to the markets. People may experience FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and become overly greedy when the market is rising. On the flip side, people may also become fearful when the market falls and decide to sell their currency.

Many traders find studying the general sentiment and emotions driving the market can help them outperform the market.

What method is used to calculate the Crypto Fear and Greed Index?

The index using several sources, including volatility, market momentum/volume, social media, dominance and trends. Surveys were also used in the past, but these have been shelved. The signals are based on Bitcoin, although another major cryptocurrency may soon be added to the index.

Here is more detail on five important signals used to calculate the index.

  • Volatility – An increase in volatility is interpreted as a signal of a fearful market
  • Market Momentum/Volume: Current market momentum is compared to volume. If buying volume exceeds momentum over time, the market becomes too greedy
  • Social Media: A Twitter sentiment analysis tool is used to identify high interactivity rate, which can signal greedy market behavior.
  • Dominance: When Bitcoin’s dominance rises, it signifies a fearful market that is looking for a safer investment. Declining Bitcoin dominance suggests the market is getting greedy and moving to riskier altcoins.
  • Trends: Google Trends data can be used to find out how many people are searching for Bitcoin information. When there is a jump in search terms like “bitcoin price manipulation”, it’s considered a warning sign that the market is fearful, while an increase in searching for terms like “bitcoin price prediction” is considered more optimistic.

What insights can we take from the index?

Historical data from the index can teach us about how Bitcoin sentiment fluctuates over time and what influences it. The index generally sits in the greed range and rarely falls into the extreme fear range for more than a month.

Index data also highlights the fact that Bitcoin sentiment is correlated to major events in the cryptocurrency community.

For example, the index dropped to its lowest level in March 2020 in response to fear and uncertainty about the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. This caused financial and cryptocurrency markets to react with a sell-off that affected the majority of cryptocurrencies.

The index peaked in February 2021, a period that coincided with great profit opportunities with the “DeFi Summer.” It held for more than a month before news of China’s mining restrictions broke, and the index crashed.

Data also underscores the fact that the index can change quickly as new information is revealed or prices fall.

Is the index a short-term or long-term indicator?

Data from the index shows it does not correspond closely to long-term bull markets. Instead, it captures reactions to news events and short-term fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market. For this reason, most traders use it as a short-term indicator rather than an indicator of the future. It is not surprising that it is particularly popular amongst traders.

How can I control my emotions when investing?

The index highlights how irrationally markets behave. As investors, it’s important to think about how to keep our emotions in check and not allow fear or greed to drive investment decisions?

These are some common strategies traders use to manage emotions when making investment decisions:

  • “Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful”

Warren Buffet has famously been quoted saying this. Watching the index is a good way to follow this advice.

  • Use the investment strategy of dollar-cost averaging

Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an incredibly popular investment strategy for cryptocurrencies, because it eliminates the emotional aspect of investing. This method involves making regular, small investments over time rather than trying to predict market trends by investing in a single asset.

  • Diversify

Analysts at investment bank Morgan Stanley recommend that investors “develop a strategy that diversifies their investments across asset classes and investment vehicles to minimize systemic and investment-specific risks.” They believe this is a way to regulate emotions during market volatility.

How often should I check the index and where do I find it?

Many traders monitor the index daily, because it gives them a quick overview of the state of the market. When it reaches an extreme greed or fear range, it’s an indication to study all trading signals more carefully. Investors usually study financial indicators such as supply and demand or market capitalization and occasionally go into the on-chain indicators.


The Crypto Fear and Greed Index can be a useful tool for investors who want to get a sense of the overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market. Because the index incorporates information from several sources, it provides a big-picture overview.

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