Coinmama Academy logo: "Coinmama" in blue, a building icon, and a badge for BTC education.

Crypto basics Academy

Category description – Bitcoin was invented by a pseudonymous individual or group named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and is the world’s first enduring cryptocurrency that succeeded where decades of digital cash experiments failed.
A 3D isometric illustration features a financial document, stacks of dollar bills, and minimalist clouds—ideal for Coinmama to buy bitcoin or cryptocurrency.
Malcolm O'Mahony

What is HODLing?

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you’re new to the world of cryptocurrency, you may have come across the term “HODL” and wondered what it means. HODLing is a popular

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Isometric illustration: Document beside blue dollar stacks. Blue-white clouds symbolize financial documentation or Coinmama buy crypto.
Malcolm O'Mahony

What is ANKR?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Key Takeaways ANKR is a utility token and platform that provides users, developers, and businesses with access to decentralized infrastructure solutions. ANKR tokens can be

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An isometric illustration features blue blocks, leafy plants, and a coin symbol, reminiscent of buying crypto on Coinmama.
Malcolm O'Mahony

What is Compound (COMP)?

Reading Time: 5 minutes DeFi (Decentralized Finance) is a rapidly growing sector of the cryptocurrency world, and Compound (COMP) is one of its most popular DeFi protocols. DeFi provides

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A 3D isometric illustration features a financial document, stacks of dollar bills, and minimalist clouds—ideal for Coinmama to buy bitcoin or cryptocurrency.
Malcolm O'Mahony

What is an Airdrop?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Cryptocurrency airdrops provide an opportunity for users to earn extra tokens without having to invest anything. They are unsolicited distributions of cryptocurrency tokens or coins,

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An isometric illustration subtly highlights Coinmama's easy access to buy Bitcoin and other crypto.
Malcolm O'Mahony

What is “Forking”?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Key Takeaways Forking is a concept in cryptocurrency that allows blockchain networks to upgrade and adapt. A fork is a situation where a cryptocurrency splits

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Interest Rates Explained

Reading Time: 4 minutes The relationship between cryptocurrency markets and interest rates is an important one as it has a major impact on the decisions of investors. When these

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Illustration of magnifying glass examining profiles, a checklist, and ID cards—similar to buying Bitcoin on Coinmama.
Malcolm O'Mahony

KYC and Crypto

Reading Time: 5 minutes Key Takeaways Know Your Customer (KYC) is an important requirement for cryptocurrency businesses in order to ensure that their customers are not engaging in malicious

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Illustration shows a scale with coins, indicating market decline; useful for those looking to buy Bitcoin via Coinmama.
Malcolm O'Mahony

What is Inflation?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Key Takeaways Inflation is the loss of purchasing power over time and an increase in price for goods and services. Certain economists believe that inflation

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